Light Installation

Artist // MEATS Students 2020, Undergrad Students
Type // Installation
Status // Completed
Location // Poble Nou, Barcelona, ES
Event // LLUM BCN Festival 2020
Ànima is a collaborative project created by MEATS students and ELISAVA undergraduates, designed and developed for the LLUM BCN Festival in 2020, and was led by Cube.bz and the directors of MEATS.
The interactive lights in this immersive installation represent a vast web of collective information, born from the data we generate at the speed of light. As the lights glow from thousands of optical fibers, they serve as a reminder that we are all connected, equally part of one larger, digital soul.
Close up of the fiber optics used in the light installation, emphasizing the lights forming a V-shape.
A full view of the fiber optic light installation, held together by a black wooden structure placed in a walkway between a wall on the left and a glass facade on the right.
More than 3,000 fiber optic threads were used to symbolize the flow of data. The installation was given a second life by the Tot Raval Foundation, who donated some of the materials used in its creation. It features a large wooden structure, 20 meters long and 4 meters high. Suspended from the ceiling and illuminated from above, these strands create an immersive space where the audience can interact with the light. This experience allows visitors to feel connected to the journey that data undertakes.
Students, MEATS 19-20: Alexa Nader, Assil Naji, Brentsen Solomon, Dalia Al-Akki, Eirini Sampani, Elena Caubet, Jad Karam, Jana Antoun, Joelle Nader, Juan Arizti, Kuan Yi Wu, Inés Fernández, Marta Borreguero, Mokshuda Narula, Montserrat Sevilla, Selen Kurt, Stephanie Ibrahim, Tanvi Gupta, Tiago Rosado, Tracy Jabbour, and Yunling Jin
Students, Undergraduate:  Berta Abad, Beth Pujol, Cristina Martí, Judith Solé, Liam Kelly, Miquel Perez, Rubén García, Rubén Montero
Tutors: Gabriel Paré, Roger Paez, María De La Cámara, and Toni Montes​​​​​​​
To read more about the installation, click here.
Students standing on ladders underneath the tied fiber optic light installation.